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Killjoy Party

A Celebration of Disruptive Women


08 March 2018

Libreria, London

Critical theorist Sara Ahmed describes the feminist 'killjoy' as the woman who speaks out about a sexist joke at the dinner table, disrupting the moment and spoiling the fun.

It is this bold spirit of continued resistance that we'll be celebrating on International Women's Day.

At a time when feminist discussions are more prevalent than ever thanks to the #metoo campaign and the centenary of the right to vote (for some women), we’re hosting an intimate evening that will take a critical look at where feminism is today.

Rather than getting lost in memes, hashtags and celebrity speeches, we’ll be delving into the ongoing issue of inequality – looking at what was won 100 years ago and the important work that still needs to be done.

I was part of a night of discussion, poetry and performance alongside Dr Alyosxa Tudor from Centre of Gender Studies at SOAS, Egyptian feminist writer and poet Lina Ashour, and the curator of the event Golchehr Hamidi-Manesh.

My performance consisted of 5 anecdotal stories, reflecting on my experiences of brutal sexism and patriarchy in the most intimate moments of a relationship.

While I was storytelling, I asked the audience to reflect on their own similar memories and at the same time write/doodle/draw on the papers distributed among them.

At the end, the papers were collected and hung in the room where people could have a look at each others' reflections/stories and have a conversation about them.

Here are some of the reflections by the participants:


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